Apprentices in an apprentice program may be eligible for grants to help mitigate the costs of learning. Therefore, below are financial aid options apprentices can apply for:
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG)
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant is a taxable cash grant of $1,000 per year or level for a maximum lifetime of $2,000 per person. Learn more HERE
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant for Women (AIG-W)
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant for Women is a taxable cash grant of $3,000 per year/level (or equivalent) up to a maximum amount of $6,000 per person. Learn more HERE
Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG)
The Apprenticeship Completion Grant is a one-time taxable cash grant lifetime amount of $2,000 per person for registered apprentices who complete their apprenticeship training and obtain their journeyperson certification. Learn more HERE
Canada Apprentice Loan
The Canada Apprentice Loan is an initiative of the Government of Canada that helps with funding for a designated Red Seal trade apprenticeship. Therefore, with this grant, you can receive up to $4,000 in interest-free loans per period of technical training. In addition, you can use the money to pay for tuition, tools, equipment, and living expenses, cover forgone wages, or help support your family. Learn more HERE
Tools Grant
The Tools Grant is a non-repayable grant for apprentices to purchase tools, protective equipment, and clothing for their trade. Learn more HERE
Trades for Tomorrow is a free service for apprentices. Contact us to here to learn more about how we can help you.